Michael represented a client charged with unlicensed contracting. The prosecutor’s initial offer was one year of probation, community service, fines exceeding 2,000, and court costs. Michael’s investigation presented a solid defense that the state was unable to overcome. The State dismissed all charges.
Michael’s client was on probation for felony trafficking in Fraudulent Credit Cards and was facing a prison sentence. He filed a motion on his behalf that resulted in his probation being terminated early.
Michael represented a client charged with federal food stamp fraud through his business. He resolved the case for a small fine and temporary suspension of his EBT business in lieu of permanent revocation of his EBT and extensive fines and penalties.
Michael’s client was charged with felony trafficking in Fraudulent Credit Cards and was facing a prison sentence. He negotiated a plea offer that resulted in No Conviction and No prison with the possibility of early termination of probation.
Michael represented a client charged with a grand theft and had her life savings taken from her as she was arrested with a large amount of cash in her possession. After Michael got the felony charge dismissed, law enforcement could not overcome their burden in the asset forfeiture and had to return the client’s money.
Michael represented a client charged with Unlicensed Contracting through a Sting Operation and Resisting Arrest Without Violence. Through independent investigation, discovery, and aggressive negotiation, he was able to get the case dismissed.
Michael’s client was charged with one count of Felony Violation of Probation and was facing one year in prison. Got the case resolved for no prison and client’s probation was terminated early.
Michael represented a client charged with Driving Under the Influence. His independent investigation revealed favorable facts. Through negotiations with the State, Michael got the charge reduced and the client was sentenced to State minimums for non-DUI charges.
Michael represented a client charged with Resisting Arrest. Through independent investigation, discovery, and aggressive negotiation, he got the case dismissed.
Michael represented a client charged with Felony Violation of Sex Offender Probation for his failure to complete sex offender counseling. Client was facing two years of prison. Michael got the charge dismissed and the client did not serve prison time.